MODE= # Defines the operating mode of the application. Example: "DEV", "PROD", or "STAGING".
## API Gateway Configuration
API_GATEWAY_PROTOCOL= # Protocol used for the API Gateway, typically "http" or "https".
API_GATEWAY_HOST= # The host address of the API Gateway, often "" for development.
API_GATEWAY_PORT= # The port on which the API Gateway will run. Example: "5000".
API_GATEWAY_PROTOCOL_SECURE= # Security protocol for the API Gateway, typically "http" or "https".
PLATFORM_NAME= # The name of the platform that will be displayed in the UI.
PLATFORM_LOGO= # The URL of the platform logo to be used in the UI.
PUBLIC_PLATFORM_SUPPORT_EMAIL= # The support email for users to contact in case of issues.
POWERED_BY= # The name of the organization powering the platform.
PLATFORM_WEB_URL= # The base URL of the platforms web interface.
POWERED_BY_URL= # The URL of the powered-by organizations website.
## Upload and File Hosting Settings
UPLOAD_LOGO_HOST= # Domain or URL where the logo files will be hosted.
FILE_SERVER= # URL or IP address of the file server.
FILE_SERVER_PORT= # Port on which the file server is running. Example: "8081".
FILE_SERVER_USER= # Username for file server access.
FILE_SERVER_HOST= # Host IP address of the file server.
## Environment-Specific API URLs
PUBLIC_LOCALHOST_URL= # The localhost URL for the platform in development.
PUBLIC_DEV_API_URL= # API URL for the development environment.
PUBLIC_QA_API_URL= # API URL for the QA environment.
PUBLIC_PRODUCTION_API_URL= # API URL for the production environment.
PUBLIC_SANDBOX_API_URL= # API URL for the sandbox environment used for testing.
AWS_ACCOUNT_ID= # Your AWS account ID.
S3_BUCKET_ARN= # The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the S3 bucket.
AWS_PUBLIC_ACCESS_KEY= # AWS access key for public resources.
AWS_PUBLIC_SECRET_KEY= # AWS secret key for public resources.
AWS_PUBLIC_REGION = # AWS region where your resources are hosted.
AWS_PUBLIC_BUCKET_NAME= # The name of your public AWS S3 bucket.
## NATS Messaging Configuration
NATS_HOST= # Host IP address of the NATS server. Example: "".
NATS_PORT= # Port on which NATS messaging service is running. Example: "4222".
NATS_URL= # Complete URL for connecting to the NATS server. Example: "nats://".
REDIS_HOST= # Host IP address of the Redis server.
REDIS_PORT= # Port on which Redis is running. Example: `6379`.
## PostgreSQL Configuration
POSTGRES_HOST= # Host IP address of the PostgreSQL server.
POSTGRES_PORT= # Port for PostgreSQL access. Default is "5432".
POSTGRES_USER= # Username for PostgreSQL access. Default is "postgres".
POSTGRES_PASSWORD= # Password for the PostgreSQL user.
POSTGRES_DATABASE= # Name of the PostgreSQL database to connect to.
## Socket and API Configuration
SOCKET_HOST= # URL for the socket connection to the API Gateway. Example: "http://localhost:5000".
API_ENDPOINT= # URL and port of the API Gateway. Example: "localhost:5000".
API_ENDPOINT_PORT= # Port on which the API Gateway is running. Example: "5000".
DATABASE_URL= # Full PostgreSQL connection string for Prisma. Example: "postgresql://postgres:xxxxxx@localhost:5432/postgres?schema=public".
POOL_DATABASE_URL= # URL for the pooled database connection.
## Additional Services Configuration
SENDGRID_API_KEY= # API key for SendGrid email service.
FRONT_END_URL= # The base URL for the front-end application. Example: "http://localhost:3000".
KEYCLOAK_DOMAIN= # Base URL for Keycloak authentication. Example: "http://localhost:8080/".
Replace all placeholder values (e.g., "xxxxx") with actual values.
Ensure that sensitive information, such as API keys and passwords, are securely stored.
For production environments, consider using a secrets manager instead of keeping values in the ".env" file.